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Achernar Shells - Turbinellidae
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Cypraeidae (2)
Muricidae (3)
Turbinellidae (1)
Cypraeidae - View all Cypraeidae...
36,36 mm, Tulear,Madagascar
Achernar Shells
68,49 mm, Thailand
Achernar Shells
Muricidae - View all Muricidae...
86,49 mm, ; w/o Masirah Isl. Oman.
Achernar Shells
102,91 mm, ; w/o Masirah Isl. Oman.
Achernar Shells
69,40 mm, ; w/o Guadalupa
Achernar Shells
Turbinellidae - View all Turbinellidae...
74,65 mm, ; w/o Kenya
Achernar Shells

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