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ada - cp. (65)
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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
27.5 mm; Boa Vista - Cape Verdebid.gif CapeVerdeShells
66 mm; Senegalbid.gif zonatus
7,53 mm; Italy alboshells
41.4 mm; Chinabid.gif littlesailfish
66.8 mm; West Mexico, El Malecon. Shell Dimension.com
44 mm; Mexicobid.gif zonatus
140.5 mm; Kedah, Malaysiabid2.gif andytan
85.5 mm; Palawan islandbid.gif RABRAB
76 mm; Mexicobid.gif lorquinianus
24/26 mm; Australiabids.gif zonatus
28.0 - 30.8 mm; Australiabid.gif Doug Thorn
32 mm; italybid.gif kokots
25 mm; Spain alboshells
25,4; 16,1 mm; S.Kurile Ids.-S.E.Barentz Sea E.Kozya
72 mm; Jones Creek Maime USA Dick
22.90 mm; Greecebid.gif panova
105 mm; Queensland, Australiabids.gif cowriesnsw
58,67 mm; Labuan bajo Sumbawa island InSea
53,82 mm; Labuan bajo Sumbawa island InSea
46 mm; Boholbid.gif trochaboy
147,81 mm; Port Hedland, AUSbid.gif GCshells
104,5 mm; Bohol, PHbid.gif costiz
93,80 mm; Bohol, Philippines Jarda
28-29 mm; Jeffreys Bay, South Africabid.gif ALGOABAY
174 mm; Straits of Malacca, Malaysia[R] BWood
36,5 mm; Philippinesbid.gif zonatus
26.62 mm; Muttom( Tamil Nadu ), India[R] moses
40 & 43 mm; South Australia cowriesnsw
17.18 mm; Koota Panai, Tamil Nadu, Indiabid.gif moses
50-51 mm; Algoa Bay, South Africabid.gif ALGOABAY
184 mm; Martiniquebid.gif slimak
7,4 mm; Portugal bmshells
12,1 mm; Portugal bmshells
6,2 mm; Bijagós, Guinea Bissau bmshells
93,5 mm; Thailandbids.gif zonatus
6,1 mm; Portugal bmshells
21,1 mm; Portugal bmshells
2,5-3-4 mm; Portugalbids.gif shellhunter
40 mm; Calambrone (PI), -20mbid.gif costiz
34,9 mm; Portugal bmshells
27,1 mm; Portugal bmshells
81,7 mm; Cearà, Brazil guajiru
77,5 mm; Ceará, Brazil bmshells
39 mm; New Zealandbid.gif lorquinianus
25 mm; Las Perlas Panama Dick
27-27 mm; Jeffreys Bay, South Africabid.gif ALGOABAY
37 mm; Spainbid.gif shellhunter
37.20 mm; Greecebid.gif panova
109.2 mm; Mexicobid.gif lorquinianus
7 mm; Spain alboshells
7.9 mm; Caldera, northern Chilebid2.gif bathymodiolus
125.7 mm; United States, Paleocenebid.gif lorquinianus
55.4 mm; Central Queensland.Australia.bid.gif percy
36.32 mm; Greecebid.gif panova
20,6 mm; Portugal bmshells
19,1 mm; Portugal bmshells
19,2 mm; Portugal bmshells
18,3 mm; Portugal bmshells
17 mm; Portugal bmshells
16 mm; Portugal bmshells
16,7 mm; Portugal bmshells
15,9 mm; Portugal bmshells
14,2 mm; Portugal bmshells
38,6 mm; Florida, USAbid.gif virtualshells
25.87 mm; Maopora Island, Maluku Islandsbid2.gif B-Store
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