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Cassidae ▸ CAS - OOCCAS - OOC

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cas - ooc (55)
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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
62.74 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabid.gif NineStars
54,02 mm; Nias islandbid.gif steven062
51,35 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabid.gif Sonar4444
50.30 mm; Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa islandbid.gif InSea
48.45 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabid2.gif B-Store
46.5 mm; aden gulf discus
35,73 mm; Nias Island, Indonesia Sonar4444
30.04 mm; Labuan Bajo SUMBAWA NTB Rpanshell
29,15 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa Sonar4444
29 to 46 mm; Nocnocan island, Boholbid.gif MARIZ
28.14 mm; Labuan Bajo SUMBAWA NTB Rpanshell
24.83 mm; Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa islandbid.gif InSea
24.21 mm; Labuan Bajo SUMBAWA NTB Rpanshell
22.82 mm; Labuan Bajo SUMBAWA NTB Rpanshell
72.1 mm; w/oCalituban Island,Bohol Four J Seashells
57.29 mm; SUMBA ISLAND, INDONESIAbid.gif nature creations
48 mm; Olango Island, Cebubid.gif trochaboy
48.38 mm; Manapad, ( Tamil Nadu ), Indiabid.gif moses
46.04 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabids.gif B-Store
41.93 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA. nature creations
40.75 mm; SUMBA ISLAND, INDONESIA nature creations
40.47 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabid.gif B-Store
40.78 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA. nature creations
38.30 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA.bid.gif nature creations
30.54 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA.bid.gif nature creations
28.35 mm; Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa island InSea
26.21 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA.bids.gif nature creations
29.11 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
28.91 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
26.93 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabid.gif NineStars
25.64 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabid.gif NineStars
22.68 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
79.5 mm; East China sea,bid.gif shelllover
38.00 - 48.50 mm; Olango Island, Philippinesbids.gif drink
36,85 & 39,25 mm; Cebu Island, Philippines.bid.gif kaovega
32.28 mm; Labuan bajo,SUMBAWAbid.gif Rpanshell
32.05 mm; Labuan bajo,SUMBAWAbid.gif Rpanshell
32.96 mm; Labuan bajo,SUMBAWAbid.gif Rpanshell
53.5 mm; w/oGeographe Bay WAbids.gif marshland02
136 mm; Isla mujeres, Mexican Caribebid.gif EDGARDOMARIA
170 mm; Veracruz, Veracruz, Méxicobids.gif Julio
180 mm; w/oSal - Cape Verdebid.gif CapeVerdeShells
124 mm; Sal - Cape Verdebid.gif CapeVerdeShells
205.0 mm; Off Natal RN Brasil Mar*a*Mar
105.83 mm; BRAZILbids.gif discus
98 mm; Cearà, Brazilbids.gif guajiru
46.7 mm; w/oLos Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.bids.gif MEXICO PACIFIC
170 mm; Tulear , Madagascarbid2.gif latiaxis
72.0 mm; Unknownbids.gif me
66 mm; Senegalbid.gif zonatus
55,0 mm; Off Ras Hafun, Somaliabids.gif nautilus
91.12 mm; CROATIA FULL DATA discus
38 mm; East China sea,bid.gif shelllover
49,6 mm; w/oSanremo, Italybids.gif nautilus
50,7 mm; Off Ras Hafun, Somaliabids.gif nautilus
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