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Conidae ▸ ABB - AEMABB - AEM

abb - aem (36)
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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
85,97 mm; Nias Island, Indonesia Sonar4444
79,59 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabids.gif Sonar4444
60.09 mm; LABUHAN BAJO , SUMBAWAbids.gif nature creations
54.58 mm; Sinabang Island, Banda Acehbid2.gif NineStars
53,10 mm; Sri Lankabid.gif Mshells
52,42 mm; Nias Island, Indonesiabids.gif Sonar4444
77.41 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabids.gif NineStars
67,57 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabid2.gif Sonar4444
46.2 mm; Sri Lankabid.gif shellauction.net
46.3 mm; Broome,N.W.Australia. percy
44.2 mm; Dampier,N.W.Australia.bid.gif percy
41.9 mm; Dampier,N.W.Australia. percy
38.4 mm; Dampier Archipelago.N.W.Aust. percy
61 mm; East China sea,bids.gif shelllover
52.6 mm; East China sea,bids.gif shelllover
30.44 mm; TELUK SANTONG, SUMBAWAbids.gif nature creations
28.29 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
26 mm; Nocnocan island, Bohol MARIZ
25.12 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabid.gif NineStars
23.11 mm; LABUHAN BAJO , SUMBAWAbid.gif nature creations
23 mm; Talicud island, Samal, Davao MARIZ
22.7 mm; Sumbawa, Indonesia sst
21.5 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa, Indonesia NTshells
20.14 mm; LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA. Explorer
19.53 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
18.07 mm; Maopora Island, Maluku Islands B-Store
17.19 mm; Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa island InSea
47.8 mm; Aitutaki Is.Cook Is.bids.gif percy
39.66 mm; Aitutaki,Cook Is. percy
38.1 mm; Aitutaki,Cook Islands. percy
36.09 mm; Aitutaki,Cook Is. percy
28.4 mm; Gulf of Adenbid.gif shellauction.net
34.1 mm; Cape Moreton,S.Qld.,Australia. percy
29.6 mm; Southern Queensand.Australia. percy
36.9 mm; Luanda,Angola. percy
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