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Mitridae, ATR - GEM
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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
41.5 mm, Mexico lorquinianus
81.8 mm, Bohol, Phil. me
107-101 mm, Senegal alboranshells
42.0 mm, Indonesia BERTINX
29 mm, Mactan Island, Philippines NTshells
74.3 mm, Japan BERTINX
80.8 mm, East China Sea.China. percy
81-97 mm, East China sea, shelllover
85.2 mm, East China Sea NTshells
94,9 mm, East China Sea bmshells
99 mm, CHINA SEA, TAIWAN Harvey
77.04 mm, Taiwan Pearl
32 mm, Olango Island, Cebu trochaboy
28 mm, Olango Island, Cebu trochaboy
30,1 mm, Ilha de Moçambique, North Moz. bmshells
17,4 mm, Mozambique bmshells
41.3 mm, Colombia JES
29 mm, Cebu, Philippines ALGOABAY
26.84 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
18.24 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
24,12 mm, Sumbawa, Indonesia steven062
29.5 mm, Papua New Guinea percy
30.6 mm, G.B.R.Queensland.Australia. percy
33.3 mm, Langford Reef,Qld.,Australia. percy
34.7 mm, Green Is.,Cairns,N.Qld.,Aust. percy
35.1 mm, G.B.R.Queensland.Australia. percy
36.7 mm, G.B.R.Queensland.Australia. percy
22.49 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
25.75 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
25.44 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
27.57 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
27,75 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa Sonar4444
27.41 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
27.47 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
37,72 mm, Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa island InSea
35,51 mm, Labuan bajo ,Sumbawa island InSea
32.45 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
28.52 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa B-Store
38 mm, Olango island RABRAB
38.46 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
39.59 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
40.58 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
41.76 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
42.77 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
44 mm, Olango Island, Cebu trochaboy
45.68 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
45.46 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
46.36 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
47.54 mm, Caddalore, Tamil Nadu, India moses
30.15 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
33.10 mm, LABUAN BAJO, SUMBAWA ISLAND. nature creations
34.4 mm, Capricorn Gr.,Cen.Qld.,Australia percy
34.83 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
31.0 mm, North Mozambique, Nacala Bay. Shell
29.7 mm, North Mozambique, Nacala Bay. Shell
77,1 mm, Off Vada, Livorno, Italy nautilus
68.2 mm, Spain BERTINX
63,8 mm, Portugal bmshells
47.36 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
35.13 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa NineStars
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