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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
64.60 mm; Pacitan East Java Islandbid.gif InSea
2,5 mm; Gibraltar Straitbid2.gif shellhunter
11.1 mm; Wallis and Futuna, Futuna Island Shell Dimension.com
15.91 mm; Labuan Bajo, Sumbawabids.gif B-Store
17,65 mm; Sumbawa, Indonesiabid.gif steven062
5.2 mm; Ecuador, Salango Island. Shell Dimension.com
23 mm; Boholbid2.gif trochaboy
6.2 mm; Balabac Archipelago, Balabac Is. Shell Dimension.com
5,7 mm; Portugal bmshells
4,7 mm; Portugal bmshells
2,5 mm; Portugal bmshells
27,7 mm; Aston Bay, South Africabid.gif Amphithales
18,56 mm; Nuku Hiva, Marquesasbids.gif Jarda
17,30 mm; Nuku Hiva, Marquesasbids.gif Jarda
71,8 mm; Aliguay, Philippines bmshells
28,3-35,4 mm; Spain Otala
26,4-40,2 mm; Spain Otala
37 mm; w/oGuimie Bisao, Senegalbid.gif ALGOABAY
52 mm; w/oNarvik, Norwaybid.gif ALGOABAY
6.0 mm; w/oSão Tomé Island, Lagoa Azul. Shell Dimension.com
6.0 mm; w/oSão Tomé Island, Lagoa Azul. Shell Dimension.com
3,2 mm; Mactan, Philippines bmshells
40 mm; Masbatebid.gif trochaboy
38 mm; Masbatebid.gif trochaboy
25,6 mm; Philippines bmshells
25,9 mm; Mozambique bmshells
3,1 mm; Mozambique bmshells
21.9 mm; Mexicobid.gif lorquinianus
20.9 mm; Mexicobid.gif lorquinianus
15,5 mm; Maio, Cape Verde Islands bmshells
15,9 mm; Guinea Bissau bmshells
43 mm; Olanggo Islandbid.gif bolma76
41,4 mm; North Mozambique bmshells
23,5 mm; West Sahara, West Africa bmshells
49-45-36 mm; Canary Islandsbid2.gif tenemar
31,2 mm; Portugal bmshells
28.8 mm; Spain shilderia68
27,6 mm; Portugal bmshells
19.87 mm; Mykonos island, Greece. Gspili
17.95 mm; Mykonos island, Greece. Gspili
47 mm; Olango Island, Cebubid.gif trochaboy
10 mm; w/oitalybid.gif kokots
23,22 mm; Moroccobid.gif Reefshells
238.5 mm; w/oHamelin Bay Western Australiabids.gif marshland02
39,6 mm; Portugalbid.gif bmshells
14.2 mm; East Colombia, off Guajira Pen.. Shell Dimension.com
14.7 mm; East Colombia, off Guajira Pen.. Shell Dimension.com
11 mm; Aliguay, Philippines bmshells
9,4 mm; Aliguay, Philippines bmshells
23,8 mm; Singapore bmshells
21,5 mm; Philippines bmshells
90.5 mm; Caubian Islandbid2.gif roshells
63 mm; NW Australiabids.gif marshland02
3 mm; Portugalbids.gif shellhunter
Diam. : 23,7 mm; PINES ISLANDbid.gif palaiscollectionneur
11.2 mm; Sequijor,Isl.bid.gif Philippine Microshells
5.8 mm; Sequijor,Isl. Philippine Microshells
2x5.3 mm; Malingin,Punta Enganobid.gif Philippine Microshells
2 mm; Malingin,Punta Enganobid.gif Philippine Microshells
2.2x4 mm; Malingin,Punta Enganobid.gif Philippine Microshells
78 mm; NSW Australiabid.gif cowriesnsw
65 mm; South Australiabid.gif cowriesnsw
43 & 44 mm; NSW Australiabid.gif cowriesnsw
95.1 mm; Tanzania BERTINX
45.3 mm; Southern Madagascar, Lavanono. Shell Dimension.com
18.3 mm; Aliguay,Isl.bid.gif Philippine Microshells
18 mm; Aliguay,Isl.bid2.gif Philippine Microshells
70.3 mm; w/oNha Trang, Vietnambid.gif rybachok
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