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    << COE         CON >>    
LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
48.23 mm, Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa 10,00 €B-Store
44.7 mm, Guadalcanal,Solomon Is. 50,00 €percy
37.4 mm, Palawan island 1,00 €RABRAB
36.90 mm, Nias Island, Indonesia 5,00 €NineStars
33.63 mm, TELUK SANTONG, SUMBAWA 1,00 €nature creations
33 mm, Olango Island, Cebu 1,00 €trochaboy
31.1 mm, Bohol Isl., Philippines 6,00 €gigi
29.5 mm, Kwajalein, Marshall Is. 10,00 €ALGOABAY
29.58 mm, Tanapag Reef, Saipan, Mariana Is 3,00 €Clanculus
28,03 mm, Sumbawa, Indonesia 3,00 €steven062
23.8 mm, Solomon Islands 4,00 €Doug Thorn
19.71 mm, Papua - New Guinea 1,00 €Clanculus
44.2 mm, Australia 30,00 €Doug Thorn
44.5 mm, Australia 15,00 €Doug Thorn
44 mm, Swains reef, QLD, Australia 38,00 €ALGOABAY
41.2 mm, Australia 50,00 €Doug Thorn
38.7 mm, Australia 30,00 €Doug Thorn
41.9 mm, Solomons Is. 4,00 €
36,8 mm, Thailand 25,00 €shellalex14
36.5 mm, Olango island, Cebu Philippines 2,00 €tonyshells
34 mm, Nocnucan Is., Philippines 8,00 €ALGOABAY
18 mm, Olango island, Cebu Philippines 5,00 €tonyshells
58.2 mm, ; w/oTinina Balut Island 180,00 €bolma76
56 mm, Balut island 300,00 €yvad
40,5 mm, Bohol 2006 8,00 €George
38.8 mm, East China Sea 1,00 €
34.5 mm, Philippines 10,00 €Doug Thorn
34 mm, Panglao, Bohol island Philippine 2,00 €tonyshells
33.90 mm, Bohol, Philippines 3,00 €Clanculus
24-25 mm, Mindanao, Philippines 6,00 €ALGOABAY
43.84 mm, Philippines 3,00 €Clanculus
43.67 mm, Philippines 3,00 €Clanculus
40,9 mm, Philippines 10,00 €shellalex14
38,5 mm, Philippines 10,00 €shellalex14
37,9 mm, Philippines 5,00 €shellalex14
35 mm, Olanggo Island 2,00 €bolma76
47.46 mm, ; w/oSouth Australia 20,00 €Clanculus
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