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Item# 0003148832
NameUmbilia armeniaca andreyi - / Verawestralis Hybrid , Lorenz & Beals, 2013
Size80.6 mm
LocalityAugusta, WA
NoteAs documented in past listings, I have proposed a new form of armeniaca being Cypraea armeniaca "verawestralis". This name has no taxonomic standing but is the name I have elected to refer different shells we have been finding in very limited numbers on our south coast between Walpole through to the east of Esperance. These shells differ significantly in colour and shape from both andreyi and GAB armeniaca. In the area off the very southwest corner of Western Australia I believe these shells have merged with classic andreyi as sea levels have risen during the current inter-glacial period to produce a hybrid population. Armeniaca collected off Augusta fall into two very distinct colour forms. While all shells are very heavy and fit as andreyi on mass ratio, they have either china white bases or rich pink orange bases. In addition shells are often dark in colour with dense tan burgundy spots. Both of these traits are not present in west coast andreyi but are features of the "verawestralis" form. This specimen was ROV collected from 240 metres of water south south east of Augusta in August 2018. It was found crawling on silty sand among spare sessile growth on an seamount which rises from 280 metres. It exhibits a dorsum pattern unique to a number of shells we have found at this location in that it has a milky tan dorsal patch bifurcated by a broad distinct mantle line. I refer to this as a smiley face dorsum. Gemmy shell with some dorsal nacre stress lines that can only be seen with magnification under reflected light. Without this issue I would price the shell north of 2000 euro. Fine+++.
Selleramorashells (1117) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
Website   Dealer Website
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Currency of this itemEURO
Start Price750,00 €
Current Price750,00 € - no Bids  - Auction closed - 

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over 1000 €25 €

End27-09-2023 > 21:30:00 time27-06-2024 > 22:29:24
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