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Strombus alatus RARE PINK
70.57 mm     Celestun, Yucatan, Mexico     40,00 €
Item# 0003211535
NameStrombus alatus - RARE PINK , Gmelin, 1791
Size70.57 mm, w/o
LocalityCelestun, Yucatan, Mexico
NoteA rare pink specimen of an enigmatic Carolinean Sub-Province species from one of the rarely-offered Yucatan populations. We see roughly one bright pink shell per every 300 specimens of alatus we go through, so this is probably the rarest color form for this species. It has a combination of pink and orange colors. It was collected alive on a muddy terrain by a local fisherman, while diving at between 2-3m deep. For additional pictures, feel free to send me a message.
SellerFelixthesheller (20) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryCOSTA RICA
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price40,00 €
Current Price40,00 € - no Bids  - Auction closed - 

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under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-05-2024 > 21:00:00
shellauction.net timeServer time12-02-2025 > 04:21:12
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