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Umbilia armeniaca andreyi Shallow Water Shell !!!
71.3 mm     Augusta, WA     63,00 €
Item# 0003441454
NameUmbilia armeniaca andreyi - Shallow Water Shell !!! , Lorenz & Beals, 2013
Size71.3 mm
LocalityAugusta, WA
NoteWe have put considerable effort into finding armeniaca off the West Australian Coast. This was prompted by the mystique of andreyi and clarksoni and the limited number of specimens available to evaluate their forms and form distribution. I now feel I can form an opinion on the subject and in my view shell colour readily separates the forms. I considered there are three basic armeniaca forms in Western Australia being andreyi on our lower west coast. A form I have chosen to refer to as “verawestralis” on our south coast between Walpole in the west through to Israelite Bay in the east and type armeniaca in the GAB. This primary division into three groups has been driven by ice age isolation when sea levels were up to 140 metres lower than they are today. Andreyi typically have milky tan dorsa and porcelain white bases. “Verawestralis” are very colorful with rich peach apricot bases and dark highly speckled dorsa and type armeniaca having the well-known orange dorsum and base. I consider clarksoni to be a shallow water variant that has evolved with onshore migration of “verawestralis” like diprotodon in South Australia. Recent inshore migration of these forms must have occurred as both of their habitats were 100 metres above sea level 15,000 years ago. Superimposed on this the three forms have come back in contact with its adjoining form as sea levels have risen to current levels producing a mixing and a hybrid population. In the Augusta /Margaret River area we see significant variation in colour and size with specimens having traits of both andreyi and “verawestralis”. I refer to shells with apricot peach bases from this area as Cypraea andreyi “hybrid” to distinguish them from china white based shells found at the same location. Similarly in the Western GAB we see the form westralis. This crabbed shell was collected from 140 metres of water south of Augusta. Specimens from this depth are consistently smaller than shells taken in over 200 metres of water. This specimen was dead collected and has nacre damage.
Selleramorashells (1197) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
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Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price1,00 €
Current Price63,00 € - offered by latiaxis_a  - Auction closed - 

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End28-08-2024 > 21:30:00
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Bid history:
richiefamous (502) 12 €21-08-2024 > 22:39:351
uverdmann (286) 14 €22-08-2024 > 07:55:123
MEI (388) 22 €23-08-2024 > 16:47:484
Curt Rieling (29) 35 €25-08-2024 > 01:37:135
latiaxis_a (33) 45 €28-08-2024 > 07:35:446
LFF (298) 45 €22-08-2024 > 06:41:292
latiaxis_a (33) 50 €28-08-2024 > 07:36:017
latiaxis_a (33) 55 €28-08-2024 > 17:11:189
latiaxis_a (33) 60 €28-08-2024 > 17:11:3510
Keppel Bay (108) 62 €28-08-2024 > 13:18:388
latiaxis_a (33) 63 €28-08-2024 > 17:11:5811