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Cardita affinis californica EXTRA LONG SCALES WOOOW
30.8 mm     Los Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.     2,00 €
Item# 0003565707
NameCardita affinis californica - EXTRA LONG SCALES WOOOW
Size30.8 mm
LocalityLos Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.
NoteCARDITIDAE - Cardita affinis californica (Deshayes, 1854). SUPERB SCALES WOOOOW! RARE MASTERPIECE WITH SO EXTENDED AND MAGNIFICENT EXTRA SCALES. Really seldom seen with so elevated and exceptional scales!! A few cases like this in this size, specimens are absent of scales and here you can admire the real scaled one!! A beauty of nature. Beautiful brownish colors. Just awesome piece ! Gem - F+++! Found buried under stones about 2m deep. Los Angeles Locos, Bahia de Tenacatita, Jalisco, Mexico. December 2024. Value: 16-18 euros. ATTENTION!!! Dear friends the seller country is Mexico now, please check, thank you for your understanding. Marry Christmas and Happy shelling!!! MEXICO PACIFIC
SellerMEXICO PACIFIC (664) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryMEXICO
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Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price2,00 €
Current Price2,00 € - no Bids  - You must be registered to make your offer - 

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under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End26-12-2024 > 20:45:00
shellauction.net timeServer time21-12-2024 > 21:00:16
Time left4 days, 23 hours, 44 min
Go to MEXICO PACIFIC's items Go to Cardiidae (Genus CAR)

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