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Dermomurex myrakeenae RARE MUSEUM MASTERPIECE!
15.9 mm     Los Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.     100,00 €
Item# 0003581247
NameDermomurex myrakeenae - RARE MUSEUM MASTERPIECE!
Size15.9 mm, w/o
LocalityLos Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.
NoteEXTREMELY RARE SPECIES IN MUSEUM CONDITIONS WOOOOOW!! This species is really very rare in any condition, I found some specimens with hermits in the past, this way I knew they were there, but very rarely I found live ones like this one. This species is without a doubt very rare and difficult to obtain, here is a specimen in the best condition you can find, with everything intact! Look in detail its design and impressive sculpture, yellowish and white background with lines and reddish brown coloration. The spire, apex, lip and siphon are really intact. Rare Original operculum. For advancer collectors. Found buried 10cm in tick granulate sand between cracks of volcanic rocks with mud about 2m deep. Near la Vena, Los Angeles Locos, Bahia de Tenacatita, Jalisco, Mexico. January 2025. Value for this rare wide and elevated unique form: 150-180 euro. Good luck and Happy shelling!!! MEXICO PACIFIC
SellerMEXICO PACIFIC (676) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryMEXICO
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Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price100,00 €
Current Price100,00 € - no Bids  - Auction closed - 

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from 100 to 200 €2 €
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over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 21:15:00
shellauction.net timeServer time05-02-2025 > 10:41:10
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