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Naria albuginosa RARE DARK MUSEUM PIECE!!
21.7 mm     Cuastecomates, Jalisco, Mexico     41,00 €
Item# 0003583829
NameNaria albuginosa - RARE DARK MUSEUM PIECE!! , (J. E. Gray, 1825)
Size21.7 mm
LocalityCuastecomates, Jalisco, Mexico
NoteSPECIAL EXTRA RARE DARK COLOR FORM Naria albuginosa!! Museum conditions WOOOOW!! This species is very rare in my region, and usually the specimens have faint or pale colorations with very white base. Here in this auction I present this specimen that I fortunately found in a cave between corals, dark with dense and multiple white dots combined with dark brown rings all around, between these dots there are parts with dark brown cloudy spots and in the background an elegant cappuccino brown color, the thick margins and dense with a very dark and fantastic purple color. The ventral part has a unique thick purple dark color with some white between. The dorsum present some elevation and superb shiny-glossy all around. Don't miss this unique opportunity to get these rare and unique dark beautiful piece. Here with 21.7mm with extra dark brown spots between. Gem. For advancer collectors! Note that this specimen has light reflections from the lamps that are very visible in the photos, not spots or erosion. The designs and colors are beautiful and spectacular without these reflections. Found inside a cave between corals about 4m deep. Cuastecomates, Jalisco, Mexico. January 2025. Value for this special dark rare and purplish color: 120-150 euro. Good luck and Happy shelling!!! MEXICO PACIFIC
SellerMEXICO PACIFIC (678) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryMEXICO
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price2,00 €
Current Price41,00 € - offered by Iquoyug  - Auction closed - 

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under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 21:30:00
shellauction.net timeServer time13-03-2025 > 20:08:41
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Go to MEXICO PACIFIC's items Go to Cypraeidae (ALB)

Bid history:
rosenthals (767) 3 €22-01-2025 > 21:27:502
Berlin17 (25) 5 €23-01-2025 > 07:02:353
Berlin17 (25) 7 €23-01-2025 > 07:02:444
Berlin17 (25) 10 €23-01-2025 > 07:02:525
lg (517) 12 €22-01-2025 > 20:39:131
lg (517) 17 €26-01-2025 > 11:58:357
lg (517) 22 €26-01-2025 > 11:58:448
lg (517) 28 €27-01-2025 > 08:25:059
lg (517) 32 €27-01-2025 > 08:25:2010
lg (517) 36 €27-01-2025 > 08:25:3411
LFF (326) 38 €26-01-2025 > 09:39:086
lg (517) 40 €27-01-2025 > 08:25:4612
Iquoyug (236) 41 €29-01-2025 > 21:24:2513