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Pteropurpura macroptera RARE ALBINISTIC
43.5 mm     Monterey, California     154,00 €
Item# 0003589332
NamePteropurpura macroptera - RARE ALBINISTIC , Deshayes 1839
Size43.5 mm, w/o
LocalityMonterey, California
NoteExtremely rare albinistic variation of this difficult to find California murex. The shell shows excellent winged varices and with notable varix flanges. Although the shell shows the typical brown pigmentation on two spire nodules and a dampened light brown hue on the dorsum of the leading wing, the lack of pigmentation in the majority of the specimen is amazing. The smaller specimen has a classic and beautiful display of axial symmetry, excellent spire and siphonal canal.....making it a highly valuable specimen. Collected by Scuba diver at 13-14 meters off the United States Coast Guard Breakwater, Monterey, California in 5/2011. The shell shows a worn protoconch and negligible attrition of the thin leading and dorsal varices. Grade: F+++.
SellerSeashell Trader (276) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price1,00 €
Current Price154,00 € - offered by Kajtow  - Auction closed - 

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Bid IncrementsBid Incr.
RangeBid Increment
under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 21:15:00
shellauction.net timeServer time14-03-2025 > 08:52:00
Time left...
Go to Seashell Trader's items Go to Muricidae (Genus PTE)

Bid history:
richiefamous (511) 3 €22-01-2025 > 22:29:501
MEI (393) 12 €23-01-2025 > 05:27:363
Wzq46 (72) 13 €23-01-2025 > 04:03:222
fijimike (323) 34 €29-01-2025 > 08:32:285
LDL (120) 35 €27-01-2025 > 09:20:274
dengchengzhi (13) 66 €29-01-2025 > 13:42:267
Wzq46 (72) 66 €29-01-2025 > 13:38:186
Wzq46 (72) 77 €29-01-2025 > 13:56:379
dengchengzhi (13) 86 €29-01-2025 > 13:42:418
Wzq46 (72) 88 €29-01-2025 > 13:57:0010
dengchengzhi (13) 122 €29-01-2025 > 15:55:4411
clxLulu (190) 136 €29-01-2025 > 21:14:1612
thi (64) 152 €29-01-2025 > 21:14:3413
Kajtow (140) 154 €29-01-2025 > 21:14:5014