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Pteropurpura trialata DELUXE
76.2 mm     Long Beach, California     41,00 €
Item# 0003589366
NamePteropurpura trialata - DELUXE , G. B. Sowerby II
Size76.2 mm, w/o
LocalityLong Beach, California
NoteDeluxe example of an outstanding fusiform trialata from the East Pacific. A great specimen with three expanding and wonderfully striped varices on the body whorl becoming laminate at the edges. The shell shows a perfect apex, spire and siphonal canal. Captured off the breakwater at the Long Beach Harbor, Long Beach, California at 12-15 meters in 1990 by Scuba diver. Some roughness and minor shallow chips evident on the trailing varix. Excellent representative of this California endemic. Grade: F+++.
SellerSeashell Trader (276) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price1,00 €
Current Price41,00 € - offered by ASROMA  - Auction closed - 

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Bid IncrementsBid Incr.
RangeBid Increment
under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 21:15:00
shellauction.net timeServer time14-03-2025 > 08:53:18
Time left...
Go to Seashell Trader's items Go to Muricidae (Genus PTE)

Bid history:
richiefamous (511) 3 €22-01-2025 > 22:30:121
MEI (393) 8 €23-01-2025 > 05:26:322
optimappa (110) 10 €24-01-2025 > 04:55:054
Emerald2022 (252) 10 €23-01-2025 > 18:08:163
excelsus (96) 37 €29-01-2025 > 04:43:206
johnty3 (148) 40 €29-01-2025 > 02:34:525
ASROMA (272) 41 €29-01-2025 > 21:14:247