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Aliger gallus
126.4 mm     Recife-Permambuco, Brazil     48,00 €
Item# 0003589451
NameAliger gallus , Linnaeus 1758
Size126.4 mm, w/o
LocalityRecife-Permambuco, Brazil
NoteBeautifully hued and exceptional bright cantaloupe pink Atlantic Ocean conch from South America. The specimen exhibits an intact protoconch, spire and siphonal canal. There are no visible growth folds on the dorsal body whorl. The color radiating from this specimen are superb when exposed to real sunlight. Taken by lobster net off Recife-Permambuco, Brazil at 25 meters in 2019. The shell shows some wear/minor roughness of the natural lip and minor growth folds onthe siphon and posterior spine. Grade: F++/F+++.
SellerSeashell Trader (274) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price1,00 €
Current Price48,00 € - offered by ilmascherato  - Auction closed - 

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Bid IncrementsBid Incr.
RangeBid Increment
under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 21:00:00
shellauction.net timeServer time12-03-2025 > 05:34:18
Time left...
Go to Seashell Trader's items Go to Strombidae (Genus ALI)

Bid history:
richiefamous (510) 2 €22-01-2025 > 22:31:141
Emerald2022 (246) 5 €26-01-2025 > 17:47:152
Keppel Bay (108) 10 €28-01-2025 > 12:45:333
Kaon1 (13) 25 €29-01-2025 > 17:55:475
Kaon1 (13) 30 €29-01-2025 > 17:56:256
Kaon1 (13) 40 €29-01-2025 > 20:48:057
johnty3 (148) 40 €29-01-2025 > 02:42:054
Kaon1 (13) 45 €29-01-2025 > 20:48:148
Kaon1 (13) 47 €29-01-2025 > 20:59:5710
ilmascherato (9) 48 €29-01-2025 > 20:59:499