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Engina tabogaensis DEEP ORANGE WOOOOW!!!!!!
12.9 mm     Los Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.     6,00 €
Item# 0003590560
NameEngina tabogaensis - DEEP ORANGE WOOOOW!!!!!! , Bartsch, 1931
Size12.9 mm, w/o
LocalityLos Angeles Locos, Jalisco, Mex.
NoteSTRONG ORANGE APERTURE COLOR WOOOOOW!! Museum conditions!! Incredible intense orange aperture in the ventral side and Yellow background coloration all around the body combined with such a perfect and elegant PERFECT BLACK DOTS sculpture. Superb thick shiny lip and intact perfect apex. For serious collectors. Do not miss this unique opportunity to get the best of the best for the species. Museum quality Gem. Found under on muddy stones about 4m deep. Near La Vena, Los Angeles Locos, Bahia de Tenacatita, Jalisco, Mexico. January 2025. Value for this deep special strong orange color in the aperture : 15-18 euro. Good luck and Happy shelling!!! MEXICO PACIFIC
SellerMEXICO PACIFIC (678) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryMEXICO
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Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price2,00 €
Current Price6,00 € - offered by osubugboy  - Auction closed - 

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under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 20:45:00
shellauction.net timeServer time14-03-2025 > 06:10:25
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Go to MEXICO PACIFIC's items Go to Buccinidae (Genus ENG)

Bid history:
LFF (326) 3 €26-01-2025 > 09:35:232
sbol59 (779) 5 €23-01-2025 > 20:07:261
osubugboy (186) 6 €29-01-2025 > 19:08:433