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Go to MEXICO PACIFIC's items Go to Tonnidae (Genus MAL)
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139 mm     Barra de Navidad, Jalisco,Mexico     45,00 €
Item# 0003595292
Size139 mm
LocalityBarra de Navidad, Jalisco,Mexico
NoteSPECIAL ULTRA RARE CHOCOLATE COLOR FORM!! This specimen is absolutely marvelous, with lovely and rare CHOCOLATE colors, remarkable undulated dorsal with awesome spiral ribs combined with white spotted banding, fantastic wavy dark lip with multiple denticles. Spire complete stunning and apex intact. Outstanding darker ventral side with the best display you will get. For aesthetic collectors and lovers of this fantastic Family. Some natural imperfections almost lost not really detracting the beauty of this unique chocolate color, otherwise Museum piece. F+++. Searching for these mysterious creatures for years there are some rare cases among them. It seems that most people know only the same typical Malea ringens, but there is variability in colors, sculptures, shapes and sizes. I have found dwarf populations and others where individuals are giants. In this auction you can see some sculpture and different shapes. For advancer collectors. The best of the best for the species. One of my Favorite big shells in the pacific with so unique form and sculpture compare with all Tonas species and the biggest of the Maleas species. They are most night active , They are rarely hunting during the day. Hart to find in the day because they are most complete buried. Superb fresh piece!!! Found buried in sand under huge platforms about 5m deep. Near Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. January 2025. Value for this ultra rare CHOCOLATE color form: 130-150 euros. Good luck and Happy shelling!!! MEXICO PACIFIC
SellerMEXICO PACIFIC (678) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryMEXICO
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price2,00 €
Current Price45,00 € - offered by speciesguy  - Auction closed - 

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under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End29-01-2025 > 20:30:00
shellauction.net timeServer time14-03-2025 > 06:44:57
Time left...
Go to MEXICO PACIFIC's items Go to Tonnidae (Genus MAL)

Bid history:
rosenthals (767) 2 €22-01-2025 > 21:32:431
zyf (2504) 12 €27-01-2025 > 15:55:203
sbol59 (779) 14 €23-01-2025 > 20:15:282
Emerald2022 (252) 20 €28-01-2025 > 03:37:315
zyf (2504) 22 €27-01-2025 > 16:10:144
sbol59 (779) 44 €29-01-2025 > 18:32:456
speciesguy (513) 45 €29-01-2025 > 20:29:147