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Ceratostoma foliatum CLASSIC
64.0 mm     Santa Rosa Island, California     112,00 €
Item# 0003613237
NameCeratostoma foliatum - CLASSIC , Gmelin 1791
Size64.0 mm, w/o
LocalitySanta Rosa Island, California
NoteClassic specimen with wonderful color banding on the body whorl and the shell is adorned with wide varices. The foliatum has beautiful form, heavy weight/size ratio, solid/perfect siphonal canal and aperture lip. The foliatums general appearance is impressive. The shell features excellent structural characteristics considering the turbulent ocean conditions in this area. Captured by Scuba diver Julian Lee off Santa Rosa Island, California on boulders 15 meters in 11/2017 while hunting for halibut. The shell shows minor wear of the protoconch and varix edges. Grade: F+++.
SellerSeashell Trader (274) - Register to view Feedback
Seller CountryAUSTRALIA
Shipment / PaymentShip. / Paym.Available for registered users...
Curr. of this itemEURO
Start Price1,00 €
Current Price112,00 € - offered by Kajtow  - Auction closed - 

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RangeBid Increment
under 100 €1 €
from 100 to 200 €2 €
from 200 to 500 €5 €
from 500 to 1000 €10 €
over 1000 €25 €

End26-02-2025 > 21:15:00
shellauction.net timeServer time12-03-2025 > 04:52:30
Time left...
Go to Seashell Trader's items Go to Muricidae (Genus CER)

Bid history:
MEI (393) 16 €20-02-2025 > 13:04:112
zicored (1226) 29 €20-02-2025 > 16:05:263
Wzq46 (72) 33 €20-02-2025 > 04:42:491
Leop (0) 40 €25-02-2025 > 13:12:305
proserpina (79) 51 €26-02-2025 > 01:09:576
LDL (117) 65 €25-02-2025 > 08:46:554
Leop (0) 77 €26-02-2025 > 13:25:237
LDL (117) 83 €26-02-2025 > 15:34:358
wrlting521 (394) 100 €26-02-2025 > 19:54:419
ASROMA (272) 110 €26-02-2025 > 21:14:4611
Kajtow (140) 112 €26-02-2025 > 21:06:0810