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LotItemSizeDescription CurrentSeller
43.82 mm, Tangalla, Srilanka, moses
42.05 mm, Tangalla, Srilanka, moses
50,64 mm, Sri Lanka Reefshells
102.5 mm, Cameroon latiaxis
99.2 mm, Congo latiaxis
118.5 mm, congo latiaxis
99.82 mm, Kribi camerun limbata
156 mm, Tanzania latiaxis
106,5 mm, Congo latiaxis
4,94 mm, Slovakia Reefshells
12.7/12.9 mm, Montenegro BERTINX
7,48 mm, Iran Reefshells
26,02 - 27,04 mm, Morocco Reefshells
23.6 mm, Maroc BERTINX
19,86 mm, Morocco Reefshells
20,18 mm, Morocco Reefshells
21,49 mm, Morocco Reefshells
22,19 - 24,72 mm, Morocco Reefshells
17.40-19.16 mm, Greece panova
19.17 mm, Greece panova
16.70 mm, Turkey panova
11.36 mm, Greece panova
17.09 mm, Greece panova
19.16 mm, Turkey panova
14.65 mm, Greece panova
17.1 mm, Turquie BERTINX
15-16 mm, Crete RAFFLESIA
17.36 mm, Greece panova
17.10 mm, Greece panova
17.9 mm, Turquie BERTINX
14.93 mm, Greece panova
18.11 mm, Greece panova
17.9 mm, Turquie BERTINX
17.82 mm, Greece panova
12.60-14.5 mm, Greece panova
8.4 mm, Thailand BERTINX
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